There’s only one day left in the Bisbee’s Black and Blue and the rush to get that giant marlin is getting even more intense. The Reelaxe still has the lead with the 599 pound marlin that they caught on Wednesday. Rehab’s 560 pound marlin also is hanging on to the number 2 spot. The C-bandit is still in third.
The big newcomer from Day 2 is the the Dream Weaver’s 484 pound black marlin caught by John Boratto. They slip into the fourth spot, above KW’s Karma.
Other big fish from Day 2 include the Great Escape’s 430 pound fish, after narrowly missing Wednesday’s 9pm deadline with a 800 pound blue marlin caught by Carl Riley. Thursday’s fish was caught by John Sellers. Sporty Game’s Chuck Griegercaught caught a 436 pound blue marlin and Robert Patton from the Maverick caught at 326 pound blue marlin.
On Thursday only 1 black marlin was caught and 12 blue marlin were caught. Overall 23 billfish were caught.
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